ENGLISH  INFO   -   All activity except clairvoyance is cancelled for the time being.

I am a naturopath. I am also an artist: A painter (acrylic paintings) and illustrator, and composer,
musician, singer, and author.
My paintings and songs are intimately related - the specific pictures ARE the songs and vice versa,
based on my thoughts of life.

I have people for "sittings" primarily at home whether they come in person, or over the phone
but also at health fairs, and exhibit my pictures/perform with my songs ("viser") anywhere possible.

As a performer

I perform for abt. 45 minutes with my pictures and the connected songs put together to form a theme.
You might call the result a talk-show, but including pictures and songs.  I have always one show ready to roll.

I have four such ready-made themes:

The Life of Timehow to LIVE full-time

Dragon of the Dayhow to find and realise your personal power

Love and Lovearound the different kinds of love

The Fabulous Fourhow to manage (not control) the energy of the feelings

The performance fee is somewhat open to discussion for the time being.

As a naturopath

I use clairvoyance and channelling to disclose causes and foretell the future.
I also do biopathy, dream-therapy and occasionally healing.

All clients have all the answers themselves. I use my capabilities helping them unveil the knowledge.
My life has taught me that understanding the whys and wherefores of myself is more important
than anything else in order to unfold my potential.
I have participated in courses in psychological developement, meditation and dream therapy
for a period of approx. 15 years and is, of course, still learning.

As an artist, - what can I offer you?

I could illustrate your book/leaflet/brochure

I could make a"soul-portrait" of you or your company - see example: "Daniel and Natasha"

I LOVE horses - any animal, for that matter. I could portray yours - see gallery

I could exhibit my paintings in your gallery  -

-  and perhaps give one of my picture-and-music-performances at the opening ?  -  60 minutes'
beautiful and meaningful communication  -  partly sung, partly spoken and partly viewed.
A strong combination and an unforgettable experience. All in English, of course.

As a naturopath, - what can I offer you?


I can support the natural healing processes of your body with harmless means
and products and guide you to maintaining your self-healing ability.

To do this, it is essential to:


  1. Get an overview

    • attend to ways and habits, perhaps up to now unobserved

    • find new points of view and ways of behaviour

  2. Find a higher meaning 

    • noone is dispensable, everyone has importance

    • connecting causes with their results

  3. Learn to live in the NOW

    • follow the stream of life as opposed to flight or resistance

    • discover other kinds of responsibility

As a naturopath, - what can I NOT offer you?

I cannot make your decisions for you
I cannot solve your problems - only you can
I cannot tell you which way feels right - for you

Phone or mail me for an appointment.  The fee is appr.  80 USd/hour.

You can also get a "tele-sitting" over the phone, - or mail me your questions, and I will mail you the answers.  The fee in this case is still appr.  80 USd/hour.

Payment to my account  2414  8474  657  648  Nordea Bank, DK  before the sitting/mailed answer.

Any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Love,  -  Lissen Seligmann